
What To Use Dog Skin Allergy


"Identifying the source and best treatment for canine pare allergy is a frequent problem that oftentimes requires multiple trips to the veterinarian. It is the most common crusade of pare atmospheric condition in dogs. The near diagnosed types of skin allergies in dogs includes flea allergy, environmental or seasonal allergy (atopy or hay fever) and dog food allergies. Symptoms for all types of dog skin allergies such as pilus loss, secondary skin infections and itch are similar, but each type of peel allergy has unique characteristics and presentations that tin can help an owner distinguish 1 type from some other every bit described below. Symptoms can also be confused with other canine skin conditions such as ringworm, mange and allowed-mediated skin disease. Treatment for a dog with a skin allergy is based on the underlying cause of the problem."

Overview: Skin Allergies

The three most common causes of canine skin allergy are dog flea allergies, an environmental allergy such as pollen or mold (called canine atopy), and dog food allergy. Any investigation should start with eliminating these common causes before moving on to other possible reasons for a canine peel status.

Where your canis familiaris has an allergic reaction can exist a inkling every bit to the cause. If the allergy is at the oral cavity and you lot had just purchased a new plastic domestic dog dish for example, this could exist the cause. Redness around a flea collar could be acquired by the neckband itself.

Canine Skin Allergy: Reaction to Dog Food

Canine Skin Allergy

Source: Dr. Candace Sousa, DABVP, DACVD
Senior Veterinary Specialist, Veterinary Specialist Team
Pfizer Animal Health, Washington State University

Many chemicals can crusade your dog to take an allergic reaction. This usually occurs in areas that are not covered by pilus. Common causes include soap, shampoo, wool, leather, plastic/safe domestic dog dishes, insecticide, paint, carpet, wood preservative, neomycin (many skin medicines).

Immediately bring your dog to a Veterinarian or Emergency Center if your dog'southward face up is swollen or looks puffy. This could be a sign of a astringent allergic reaction that needs immediate treatment.

Canine Skin Allergy Due to Fleas
(Flea Bite Hypersensitivity)

Dog flea allergies are the most mutual type of canine skin allergy. This condition is confusing for dog owners  since it is a twelvemonth round trouble that many owners believe is seasonal.  To exist clear, the problem is worse during the late summer and fall.

Fleas do not die in the winter and may not exist seen by the owner on the dog (they are good at hiding).  A small number of fleas can result in a flea allergy pare problem.

Canine Flea Allergy Pare Symptoms

Symptoms of canine peel allergy from fleas includes itch primarily above the tail base of operations and on the dorsum of the thighs, merely can outcome the entire body. Dogs will chew on the itchy areas, causing hair loss, cerise peel and skin irritation. The chewing can also introduce bacteria, which will result in a skin infection. Flea bite hypersensitivity does not typically affect a dogs face or the forepart of the body.

Canine Flea Allergy Treatment

To treat dog flea allergy, first use a production to impale the fleas on the dog such as a herbal flea dip. Follow this by a product made for dog flea protection recommended by your veterinarian such as Frontline.

Canine Atopy - (Canine atopic dermatitis)

Environmental Dog Skin Allergy and Dogs with Seasonal Allergies

About 1 in 10 dogs get some type of canine pare allergy (likewise called Atopy) from substances in the air. Allergies tend to appear during certain times of the year when specific types of allergens such as pollen, ragweed and mold are nowadays.

  • Weed Pollen – Late summer and fall
  • Tree Pollen – March and April
  • Grass Pollen – May, June, July

Sure breeds have a higher incidence of canine atopy including:

  • Bichon Frise
  • English language Bulldogs
  • Shar-Pei
  • White Highland, Cenotaph, Scottish, Boston, Sealyham, Wire-haired fox Terriers
  • Lhasa apsos
  • Cocker Spaniels
  • German language Shepherds

Dogs with Allergies Seasonal Symptoms

Dogs with allergies of this type practice not show symptoms seen in humans such every bit runny nose, nasal congestion and itchy eyes. Instead, canine atopy results in itchy pare all over the body, but  most severely on the feet and underbelly. Dogs will lick anxiety to the signal of severe infection and redness. Other areas more oftentimes affected include the face, feet, front legs, ears and armpits.

Domestic dog Atopy Treatment

Treatment for canine atopy involves avoiding the substance that triggers the allergy or reducing the sensitivity to the substance via dog allergy shots (only 60%  to 85% effective). A hypoallergenic dog shampoo such equally DermaPet Dermalyte may also bring some relief.

Bull Terrier Dog with Skin Allergies on Mitt
(Atopic Dermatitis)

Dog With Skin Allergies

Source: Dr. Candace Sousa, DABVP, DACVD
Senior Veterinary Specialist, Veterinary Specialist Squad
Pfizer Beast Health, Washington Land Academy

Canine Peel Allergies From Nutrient

Canine food allergy is the tertiary well-nigh mutual blazon of allergies in dogs. The allergic reaction is to a protein institute in commercial dog food, dog treats or table scraps given to the domestic dog. A canis familiaris tin become allergic to a food at whatever time, even if a dog has been eating that food for years with no bug.

Dog Nutrient Allergy Symptoms

Dog food allergies outcome in generalized itch, which means the itch is all over the torso. Canis familiaris crawling is oftentimes most pronounced on the anus. Along with itch, ear infections are also common. Sure breeds have an increased run a risk of canine food allergy including German Shepherds and Boxers.

Dog Nutrient Allergy Handling

To treat food allergy in dogs, a hypoallergenic or emptying nutrition is required. In an elimination diet the food is reduced to one carb such as rice and 1 protein such as chicken. Afterward improvement is seen, ingredients are slowly added back into the diet until the problem ingredient is identified. You should see canine skin allergy symptoms outset to heal in the kickoff few weeks.

Dog with Nutrient Allergy

Dog Food Allergy

Source: Dr. Candace Sousa, DABVP, DACVD
Senior Veterinary Specialist, Veterinarian Specialist Squad
Pfizer Animal Health, Washington State Academy

Allergy Dog Testing and Diagnosis

Diagnosing dog skin allergies often requires the investigative skills of Sherlock Holmes. Whatever examination volition first with the taking of a thorough medical history regarding your dog'due south symptoms. Some veterinary'due south volition ask you to complete an online canis familiaris skin history that tin be filled out before your visit. Typical questions include when the symptoms offset began, whether whatever siblings accept similar dog skin problems, and how has the skin reaction changed over time. They will also enquire nigh any products used to care for your dog such equally flea care and the diet. Often the questionnaire is more of import that the physical exam, since symptoms are often not-specific to any detail underlying crusade.

Next, the veterinary volition practise a physical exam. A vet will evaluate the unabridged dog, not merely the area showing canine skin allergy symptoms. At this point, for most dog pare disorders, a vet will take some indication or suspicion of what is causing the problem, including dog flea allergy, atopy (environmental allergies), contact allergy (to a chemical or other substance), or if the cause is unrelated to allergy (see below).

Since it is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between peel allergies caused by fleas and allergy acquired by something in your dog's environment, your vet may have an ear swab and a superficial canis familiaris skin sample to determine if the problem is caused past an infection (bacterial) or yeast. All are examined using a microscope.

In an approach that is similar to the one used for people, your Veterinarian may requite your dog a peel test (IST) where different causes of allergy are placed on the peel. If your domestic dog reacts to a small amount, it means they are allergic. Some Veterinarians may opt to practise a blood test called ELISA.

Dog Peel Problems with Symptoms that are Similar to Canine Skin Allergy

Several types of canine skin weather are oftentimes confused with canine skin allergy. When reaching a specific diagnosis, the veterinarian will eliminate these causes earlier determining that allergy is the crusade of the canis familiaris skin condition.

  • Mange: There are two different types of dog mange, demodectic and sarcoptic, that can mimic the signs of canine skin allergy. Both are caused by mites which burrow nether the skin and are treated with a lime-sulfur dip such equally Naturasil.

    -- Demodectic Dog Mange is commonly seen in young puppies, larger breed dogs such as Groovy Danes and other breeds such as Boxers, and Pit Bulls. Symptoms includes patchy hair loss around the head and face up, but tin occur  in whatever area of the trunk. Diagnosis is based on a skin scraping and the discovery of mites.

    -- Sarcoptic Dog Mange or Scabies is besides caused by mites and can be passed between people and dogs. Symptoms usually appear at the ear margins, volition appear crusty and in most cases cause extreme crawling. A dog scabies diagnosis is based on a skin scraping.

  • Dog Ringworm results in symptoms such as peel crusting, patchy hair loss and itch. The symptoms normally practise not wait like to the circular band seen on homo peel. Dog ringworm diagnosis is based on a examination using a "forest lamp" which causes the fungus to fluoresce. Treatment involves the weekly use of a dip such as Naturasil for Ringworm.
  • Allowed Mediated Dog Peel Disease tin can impact dogs of any age, but is well-nigh often diagnosed in eye age females. In these types of atmospheric condition, the dogs immune system attacks its' own body, causing weather such as pemphigus foliaceus or lupus. Symptoms includes raw dog skin and painful skin at the margins of the ears, dog lips and nose. The status is diagnosed with a skin biopsy exam.

Handling of Dogs with a Canine Pare Allergy

Many Vets volition prescribe an antihistamine (hydrocortisone or Pramoxine) to help with whatsoever dog skin itching. Popular types of antihistamine include Dipehnhydramine (Benadryl), hydroxyzine (Atarax), clemastine (Tavist) and cetirizine (Zyrtec); 40% of dogs reply to this type of treatment.

Other treatment options includes oral or topical antibiotics and anti-fungals. Shampoos and sprays may too be of assist. If dog food allergy is the cause, and so a hypoallergenic nutrient trial is used to identify the problem ingredients. For seasonal allergy (canine atopy), then medication which are immune modulating such as cyclosporine are prescribed.

If your dog does not answer to  any of the canine skin allergy treatments suggested in a higher place, and so a series of allergy shots can be used to reduce sensitivity to the allergens (called hyposensitization therapy). This class of treatment takes every bit few every bit nine and as many as 12 months.

During recovery, dietary supplements might help to restore pare condition, such every bit the omega fatty acids found in fish oil. Shampoos can likewise be tried to ease pare inflammation and crawling such as a product that contains colloidal oatmeal (Groomers Blend). Homeopathics that combine ingredients associated with skin and coat health such as Skin and Coat Tonic may also be of help.

It is common for a vet to request a return visit later on several weeks to check on your dog's progress.

Ask Our Vet A Question or Share Your Story

Have A Domestic dog Allergy Question For Our Editors or Story For Our Readers?

Do y'all have a Dog Allergy related Question for our Veterinarian? Please include data such as age, sexual activity, breed, medical history, skin and other symptoms, medications your domestic dog is taking, recent changes in behavior, etc. Submitting a motion picture of whatever condition will help to provide a more consummate answer.

We will practice our all-time to get back to you lot rapidly (depends on how many questions we receive each 24-hour interval). If yous do require an firsthand response we suggest using this online dog veterinary answer service that is available at present.

References for Skin Allergies on Dogs

Brevitz, Betsy DVM, Hound Wellness Handbook; "Allergies, Itching and Other Pare Allergies"

Greek, Jean, DVM, ACIDM;  New Hope Animal Hospital  "Atopic Illness and Allergy"

Beale, Karin M. DVM, Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists – "Atopic Dermatitis: Clinical Signs and Diagnosis"

Giffin, James M. MD & Carlson, Liisa D., DVM "Domestic dog Owner's Dwelling Veterinary Handbook".

Lloyd, Professor David, Royal Veterinarian College, Hawkshead Campus: "Diagnosis & Direction of Adverse Food Reactions in Dogs"

Osborn, Sarah Colombini DVM, Southwest Veterinary College, Houston: "Optimal utilise of Hypoallergenic Diets"

Ihrke, VMD, Professor of Dermatology, Schoolhouse of Veterinary Medicine, University of California: "Flea Allergy Dermatitis"

What To Use Dog Skin Allergy,


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