Can Joint Medication Be Apply Through The Skin
Topical administration of drugs can be a practical alternative to oral delivery, non least because they avoid first-pass metabolism, are associated with a lower rate of systemic adverse events, and allow direct application over the target areas one . Topical formulations should exist like shooting fish in a barrel and adequate to utilise, but importantly need to be able to penetrate the skin and permeate to the target areas in quantities sufficient to exert a therapeutic effect. Topical analgesics are often used in acute and chronic painful weather condition, delivering non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, and acetylsalicylic acid directly to the site of injury to relieve pain. They can exist specially useful in the management of osteoarthritis (OA), a chronic condition where a regular intake of oral NSAIDs to control painful flares may be associated with systemic agin events, particularly in the older population that typically suffers from OA 2 and may exist more than prone to agin events 3–5 . Topical NSAIDs take been proven to be equally constructive as and meliorate tolerated than oral NSAIDs in the treatment of OA four , vi–8 , and are recommended in certain international guidelines before the utilize of oral NSAIDs in OA of the knees or hands 9–11 . In a preference study, well-nigh three times equally many OA patients chose to use a topical rather than oral NSAID, particularly those who were more concerned near toxicity such every bit the elderly 12 , 13 . It seems that topical NSAIDs are currently underutilized 14 , and their efficacy in pain relief remains debatable xv . Clinicians still seem to be unsure of the value of topical NSAIDs sixteen , with many regarding them equally little more than than placebo fifteen . Indeed, a large placebo effect of around 50% (subsequently 12 weeks) has been observed in studies of topical NSAIDs, twice as loftier as that in studies with oral placebo (25% in a pooled analysis) xv . Despite this, real-life studies in OA indicate that topical NSAIDs are as effective as oral NSAIDs over 1 year of treatment 4 .
To relieve pain effectively, topical NSAIDs need to work at the appropriate site of activity. However, in OA there is still uncertainty regarding the target tissues and how OA-associated pain is generated. There is oft a disparity between the degree of hurting perception or functional impairment and the extent of damage in the OA joint, and the pain mechanisms are likely to be complex 17 . Pain perception appears to be influenced past peripheral factors (due thousand. damaged structures impinging on other local structures), as well as activation of central hurting-processing pathways 17 . And in that location is evidence that there is an inflammatory component to OA, including the activation and release of local proinflammatory mediators such as cytokines or prostaglandins 17–xix . Topical NSAIDs appear to work on peripheral pain receptors in OA, with relatively few fundamental effects 20 . They relieve peripheral pain by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 enzyme, thereby reducing the product of prostaglandins that would otherwise increase sensitivity to pain past sensitizing peripheral nociceptors to painful stimuli 21 . This is the established mechanism of activity, only there are putative mechanisms that include inhibition of leukotriene synthesis, inhibition of phospholipase A2, modulation of arachidonic acrid levels, inhibition of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) pathway and increment in plasma β-endorphin levels 22 , 23 . Emerging mechanisms include inhibition of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, reduction in plasma and synovial substance P and interleukin-6 levels, inhibition of the thromboxane-prostanoid receptor, and inhibition of acid-sensing ion channels. There are no nociceptors in articular cartilage, the master construction affected morphologically in OA. Thus, the pain that occurs when the cartilage wears abroad must instead originate from other structures within the joint, such equally the synovial membrane or tissue, bone, or periarticular muscles and ligaments, for example 17 , 24–27 . Nociceptors are abundant in many articular tissues 21 that are in contact with the intra-articular environs 28 . A clearer understanding of the drug concentrations that tin exist accomplished in synovial tissue and fluid following application of a topical NSAID, especially in relation to plasma levels, may provide a useful insight into the potential therapeutic effect in OA and the potential liability for systemic adverse events.
The current review considers the full general characteristics that influence the effectiveness of topical products, with specific illustration using diclofenac in the treatment of OA-related pain. Factors addressed include issues regarding peel penetration and tissue permeation, and the concentrations that have been reached in and around the articular joint and in plasma in published studies. We chose diclofenac because analysis suggests that information technology is the nearly strong COX-ii inhibitor compared with other unremarkably used NSAIDs 22 , 29–31 . Topical diclofenac has been widely bachelor since its first approval in 1985, and is one of the most extensively investigated NSAIDs, often used equally a criterion in clinical studies in OA 32 . Topical diclofenac is proven to be constructive in relieving the pain of OA 4 , 15 , 33 , and is the only NSAID approved for topical treatment of OA hurting in the United States 33 . Specific aims of the review are to determine: (1) whether topical NSAIDs, specifically diclofenac, can penetrate through the skin and permeate to deep sites of activeness; (ii) whether the amount of diclofenac at the site of action is known, and how the formulation tin be optimized and measured; (3) whether topically administered diclofenac is pharmacologically effective. To identify relevant articles, a systematic search of Medline and Embase was performed (to October 2016), using the key words "diclofenac", "topical administration" and "osteoarthritis" in the search strategy. Further details of the search strategy used can be found in the Supplementary Appendix.
Rationale for using topical vs. oral NSAIDs
Topical products were developed to provide well tolerated, effective targeted therapies, based on the drug's pharmacokinetics and penetration to the site of activity. In that location are various reasons to use a topical NSAID in preference to an oral NSAID (Table 1).
Table i. Advantages of using topical NSAIDs in preference to oral NSAIDs in osteoarthritis.
Topical therapies are delivered to the site of action, avoiding the starting time-pass metabolism of oral drugs 34 . Most importantly, topical NSAIDs were developed to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal (GI), cardiovascular (CV), and renal adverse events associated with oral NSAIDs 33 , 35 . Although some of the drug does enter the systemic circulation from the dermal microcirculation, systemic exposure to NSAIDs is reduced. For case, plasma levels afterwards topical administration have been reported to fall inside a range of 0.two% to 8% of those achieved afterwards oral administration 33 , 36 , 37 . Thus, complications such equally GI haemorrhage and gastric ulcerations associated with oral administration of NSAIDs 38 , 39 , as well as CV and renal toxicity 40 , are less common following use of topical NSAIDs 41–43 . This is important in older patients who course the OA population, who often have co-morbid conditions or an increased risk for GI, CV or renal complications three–5 . A meta-analysis of the safety data for topical diclofenac found that although the overall adventure of adverse events was similar between topical diclofenac and oral comparators, the risk of systemic furnishings was significantly lower with topical administration 44 . The take a chance of local effects was significantly higher with topical delivery, yet 44 , and time to come development should aim to minimize local effects with better topical formulations. Utilise of a topical NSAID may likewise accept a handling-sparing effect, such that it may be possible to substantially reduce the overall dose of concomitant oral NSAIDs required to manage OA by 40%, and thereby reduce the risk of systemic adverse events 4 . In older OA patients, who are likely to have high concomitant medication utilize, the low systemic exposure associated with topical NSAIDs will reduce the potential for clinically relevant drug–drug interactions (e.g. with warfarin, antihypertensives or low-dose aspirin used for cardioprotection) associated with oral NSAIDs 3 , 45 .
Although there is a sound rationale for using a topical NSAID, questions remain as to how the drug reaches the target tissues. In OA, information technology is important that a topically practical drug reaches the target tissues in sufficient amounts for at that place to exist a pharmacodynamically active concentration nowadays, that it is unequivocally effective in the disease indicated, and that information technology has no local toxic or allergic furnishings or undesirable, dose-related systemic effects 46 .
Pathways used by topical drugs to achieve target tissues
The efficacy of a topical drug at relieving pain and inflammation is dependent on its power to penetrate skin and permeate to the target tissues. It has been suggested that topical NSAIDs exert their action locally at structures that environment superficial joints such as the knee or manus and within the joint itself 15 , 47 , and must reach a concentration in those areas that is sufficient to inhibit the COX enzymes 46 .
Oral drugs are dependent on absorption into the circulation and subsequent distribution to the peripheral tissues. The pharmacological action of topical drugs instead relies on penetration through the stratum corneum and permeation into the lower layers of the skin, illustrated in Figure 1.
Peel penetration and tissue permeation later on topical administration of diclofenac
Published online:
18 July 2017
Figure 1. Penetration of topical diclofenac through the skin and permeation through the deeper layers to the inflamed articulation.
The stratum corneum is the outermost, horny layer of peel that limits penetration of substances to protect the more delicate structures underneath. Therefore, it tin can exist very difficult to penetrate passively, and is the rate-limiting step for epidermal drug ship 48 . Topically applied drugs may have a depot effect, such that they accumulate for a prolonged time in the stratum corneum, epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat tissue to grade a reservoir, from which there is a sustained release of drug into the surrounding tissues 49–54 . The efficiency of the reservoir is dependent on the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), including lipid/h2o solubility, protein-bounden capacity, percutaneous absorption, compound concentration, clearance, application time, and application way 51 . The highly bound nature of diclofenac may contribute to the formation of a reservoir, with retention occurring when diclofenac is highly spring in tissues underlying the topical assimilation site 53 . Movement of the drug through the peel is a passive diffusional procedure, relying on improvidence down concentration gradients (following Fick's Law 55 ) and partition into tissues and solutes 1 , 56 , 57 . Active transport processes can occur, only the mechanisms have non been identified i , 58 . Some of the drug may travel from the surface of the skin via hair follicles or sweat ducts to reach the lower layers 59 , 60 .
At the dermal level (Effigy 1), the drug may enter the local claret vessels for distribution to deeper tissues sixty . Uptake of the drug from the dermal microcirculation into the systemic apportionment may also occur (for instance, diclofenac has been found in treated and untreated tissues after topical application 56 , 61 , 62 ) – although total systemic exposure is depression 33 . Alternatively, the drug may diffuse deeper into inflamed tissues 56 , 63 , 64 and/or exist absorbed via lymphatic drainage 58 . It should exist noted that the exact mechanisms involved remain unclear 65 .
Factors affecting penetration and permeation
Several factors can affect penetration of the drug through the stratum corneum and permeation to the underlying tissues (outlined in Table 2), which must be considered when choosing a topical NSAID.
Tabular array 2. Overview of the factors affecting the power of a topical drug to optimally penetrate skin and permeate through the underlying tissues.
Permeation through the layers of peel, and the factors that influence this process, are commonly assessed using the Franz cell 78–80 . This technique is an efficient in vitro method of evaluating drug movement through excised human or creature skin or synthetic pare; it can be used to place the changing concentrations of APIs in unlike physiological layers of the skin, and tin be combined with a variety of imaging techniques to visualize the movement of drug through the skin 79 . Physiologically, the Franz prison cell assesses the penetration of APIs through the skin, the first footstep in the passage of the APIs to the site of action. Yet permeation through the tissue layers to the deeper sites of activity yet needs to be evaluated.
Properties influencing penetration through the pare
Innate drug properties
Topical drugs must be small enough to pass through the skin (molecular weight <500 g/mol) 1 , and molecular size is probably the main determinant of flux across the pare (i.e. the amount of drug that can penetrate the skin per unit of time) 66 . Diclofenac is a small molecule (296 g/mol 67 ) (Supplementary Tabular array 1), allowing it to pass more than hands through the stratum corneum. The drug must be h2o soluble 68 , yet also accept adequate lipophilicity to penetrate through the lipid matrix of the stratum corneum i , 56 . Diclofenac is a weak organic acrid (pKa 3.9 69 ) and thus amphiphilic, with both lipophilic and hydrophilic properties that allow it to access all tissues including the stratum corneum and other skin tissues, just too cell membranes such as in the synovial lining of joints 33 , 50 , 63 . Diclofenac has a depression molecular weight, high lipophilicity, and has been shown to have the highest in vitro permeation rate constant compared to other NSAIDs that were studied 81 . However, it too has a pocket-size flux (evaluated in the Franz jail cell) and a relatively low clearance from skin into musculus 64 , 81 . The physicochemical characteristics of diclofenac let diffusion of the drug through the pare although with the need for permeation enhancers.
Topical formulation properties
The topical formulation is also important, and affects the ability of a drug to penetrate the skin. Few drugs readily penetrate pare when used alone and so topical delivery can be locally enhanced by altering a drug's formulation, which can take a substantial impact on the rate of skin absorption and on the subsequent penetration depth 42 , 82 . Characteristics of the vehicle used to bear the drug need to be considered, such as the solubility, molecular mass, depth of penetration, pharmacology and toxicology of its components 70 , 71 . Gels, sprays and microemulsions may be captivated through the skin more than effectively than creams 41 , and an in vitro report has suggested that diclofenac gel has faster flux than a diclofenac solution or patch 72 . An aqueous solution of diclofenac has been shown to penetrate to a depth of effectually 3–4 mm into the underlying dermis and subcutaneous tissue 56 . It should be noted that different formulations of topical diclofenac may penetrate more deeply and at dissimilar velocities, reflecting the varying effects of excipients 56 , 65 , 83 .
Formulations providing faster skin penetration would seem desirable, seemingly promising faster absorption to sites of activeness. Penetration-enhancing factors tin can affect the formation of a skin reservoir, resulting in faster germination and elimination of the reservoir 51 . Still, faster penetration (assessed in vitro) tin also take the unintended effect of increasing plasma exposure (and thus the adventure of systemic agin events), while leaving tissue levels largely unchanged (cf. Brunner et al. 83 , Nivsarkar et al. 84 ). For example, the pharmacokinetic parameters of diclofenac in skeletal muscle were variable and indistinguishable following topical assistants of diclofenac diethylamine gel compared to that of a novel diclofenac formulation (whose skin ship of diclofenac was reported to be ten-fold faster than the gel) 83 . Furthermore, the bioequivalence 90% confidence intervals of the novel conception versus the gel included 100% in all instances, indicating that there were no pregnant differences in exposure. Although pare penetration speed had no effect on tissue permeation, it did lead to college levels of diclofenac in the plasma: diclofenac exposure post-obit topical administration of diclofenac diethylamine gel is around vi% of that observed compared to three times daily oral administration of diclofenac 50 mg; in contrast, the plasma exposure following administration of the novel formulation was two.eight–4.8 times college 83 . Like outcomes were seen with a comparison of four topical ibuprofen products 65 , 85 . In all of these studies with diclofenac and with ibuprofen, the speed of penetration through the skin – as measured in the Franz prison cell – did not translate to proportional changes in tissue permeation.
Apply of penetration enhancers
A penetration enhancer may be used to encourage local absorption through the peel into the underlying tissues and could increase the depth of local direct penetration 42 , 47 , 73 . Information technology should be noted that the vehicle and enhancers themselves tin can have a clinical effect, for example topically administered dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) used to treat veterinary systemic inflammation 15 , 73 , 86 . The vehicles/enhancers should ideally be inactive with no adverse effects on the pare – the loftier concentrations of DMSO used for enhancing penetration of diclofenac tin cause erythema and wheals of the stratum corneum and may denature some proteins 73 .
Site and mode of application
The site of application affects how readily the drug can reach the target tissues, and a topical NSAID is more likely to reach superficial joints such as the finger or human knee, rather than deeper structures such as the hip joint 15 . In addition, the mode of application of the drug influences penetration. For example, rubbing or local heat can increase local blood catamenia and facilitates uptake into the blood, maintaining the concentration gradient that drives the passive diffusion 87 . Prolonged rubbing has been shown to greatly increase the flux of diclofenac gel through the peel 74 .
Once in the claret circulation, the drug tin be redistributed into local tissues or into other torso compartments. Skin surface occlusion, which hydrates the stratum corneum, frequently facilitates penetration through the skin and into the underlying tissues 75 , 76 . Repetitive administration tin profoundly increase the bioavailability of the drug 77 . Single-dose topical administration of diclofenac resulted in drug levels in the plasma and tissue indicative of direct penetration (pathways in Figure 1), while multiple-dose administration led to redistribution from the systemic circulation to the tissue 88 . Furthermore, repeated daily applications of NSAIDs provide potentially constructive concentrations of the drug in skeletal muscle 89 . Interindividual variability is often reported in in vivo studies of topical drugs 90 , because of differences in pare permeability due to age, disease or harm, hydration of the epidermis, local blood menstruation, for example, or the presence of metabolic skin enzymes that may intermission down the drug and reduce its potency 91 .
The penetration of topical products through the skin is dependent on the agile drug substance and the formulation, all the same optimal skin penetration may not consistently result in the optimal downstream commitment to tissue. While skin penetration assays are well understood, broadly used and robust, our evaluation of the available evidence – and that of other authors eighty , 92 , 93 – indicates that their results may not be suitable for anticipating tissue penetration. This is in contrast to establishing that in vitro methods can reflect systemic bioavailability 94 , equally this is non consistently reflective of target tissue permeation. Several issues regarding the active drug demand to exist determined, including how fast it can penetrate to the site of action, how deep information technology tin can directly penetrate, and how its commitment to the site of action can be optimized.
Distribution to the target tissues
It is important to annotation, every bit demonstrated above, that the rate of assimilation is not the only factor that is of import in the efficacy of a topical NSAID. Physiology and the API characteristics already mentioned likewise play an of import role 45 , 56 , 64 . However, these factors do not ever lead to understood outcomes; data on topical ibuprofen, for example, shows that even if topical NSAIDs with the same APIs have the same charge per unit of skin penetration, they do non necessarily reach the target tissues in the same concentrations 65 , 85 , 95 . Ultimately, it is the concentration of the drug at the articulation which is of paramount importance.
Preferential distribution of diclofenac to the sites of inflammation, the "effect" compartments, is influenced by several factors. For example, like all NSAIDs diclofenac is jump to plasma proteins, primarily albumin, and concentrations of the drug should be higher and persist where there is a larger concentration of albumin. Furthermore, the partition coefficient (Gs ) of a drug indicates the ratio of the hateful concentration in synovial fluid and plasma over long-term administration 96 . Thus, drugs that have a Ks value greater than ane, such every bit diclofenac after multiple administration (Ks i.1 96 ), should be nowadays in greater amounts in synovial fluid than in plasma.
The pH of topical drugs may as well be a factor that could promote uptake and memory of the drug in the acidic microenvironment of inflamed tissues. In an acidic environment, protein binding is decreased and the more acidic NSAIDs (those with low pKa values, such as three.9 for diclofenac 69 ) will be un-ionized and able to cross membrane barriers; such NSAIDs volition thus accomplish a higher concentration at jail cell membranes and in neutral intracellular spaces containing COX-two enzymes than in the relatively acidic extracellular space of inflamed tissue 56 , 63 , 97 .
Preferential distribution of diclofenac to areas of inflammation rather than plasma is facilitated by its lipophilicity and higher distribution coefficient, and thus a greater likelihood of penetrating lipophilic membranes such as the synovium 63 . Despite the brusk one-half-life and relatively fast elimination of diclofenac from plasma, at that place are persisting therapeutic concentrations of the drug in areas of inflammation 34 , 63 . The synovial mean transit fourth dimension has been estimated as 2–two.5 h 98 and its effect can be observed in the fourth dimension course reported by Liauw and colleagues 99 , where the plasma to synovial fluid ratio of diclofenac levels increases for approximately eight h (signaling a loss of drug from plasma with a slower loss from synovial fluid). A similar effect is seen for soft tissue, where musculus levels are sustained longer than those in plasma ninety . The duration of effect in tissue may be sustained past the reservoir of diclofenac that accumulates in the pare later repeated awarding 100 , from which diclofenac is continuously released into the target tissues and the relatively slower clearance from tissues 90 .
As already indicated, the penetration of diclofenac into tissue depends on the formulation and route of administration – simply the speed of skin penetration (as measured by the Franz cell) does non consistently translate into tissue concentrations 83 . This implies that other formulation characteristics must also be influential. Similar information nerveless on topical diclofenac compared with oral diclofenac tablets provides boosted complexity 83 , ninety . Comparison of these topical products shows that they take different ratios of tissue exposure relative to plasma exposure (Table 3).
Table iii. Ratios of average plasma to tissue concentrations for topical versus oral diclofenac subsequently assistants over 3 days (data adjusted from Brunner et al. 83 , xc ).
A college ratio, which derives from higher diclofenac levels in the tissue relative to plasma, is indicative of meliorate penetration. The ratios following topical awarding contrast greatly with tissue exposure post-obit oral administration; plasma levels are significantly higher while tissue levels are similar, thus yielding a significantly lower partition into tissue (i.e. a much smaller ratio). This may reflect direct penetration of topical products from the site of administration and minimal systemic redistribution. Optimizing this direct penetration requires more than fast in vitro skin penetration – data with the same APIs suggests a role for excipients in influencing tissue penetration alongside skin permeation, requiring farther understanding and evaluation techniques in addition to in vitro data.
Suitability of diclofenac for topical administration
The described characteristics of diclofenac are idea to be optimal for penetration and uptake into local sites (Tabular array 2) l , although methods are needed to fully evaluate its potential. Topical diclofenac has been adamant to exhibit adequate efficiency for external use, based on the ratio between skin penetration to concentration in the target tissue, called the alphabetize of topical anti-inflammatory activity (ITAA) 101 . The ITAA takes into account both biopharmaceutic (i.e. the facility to reach the target in the skin) and pharmacodynamic aspects (i.e. demonstration of a local therapeutic consequence) of a drug and may requite an indication of the anti-inflammatory efficacy of a topical NSAID 101 . Diclofenac has been shown to have a high transdermal penetration 81 , and was the most potent inhibitor of COX-two action 101 , and therefore had the highest ITAA at 50%, 75% and xc% of COX-ii inhibition. However, the dermis was the target tissue 101 , and it is less clear whether the concentrations of topical diclofenac are sufficient in peri- and intra-articular tissues.
Forecasting whether a formulation and its APIs led to those APIs achieving active concentrations in target tissue may not exist consistently authentic, as demonstrated in our previous examples and in the seeming dislocation of charge per unit of peel penetration and tissue penetration/API pharmacokinetics. There are limitations with in vitro data fourscore , 92 , and in silico based physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling is relatively contempo and focuses on predicting rates of penetration and plasma exposure rather than target tissue exposure 58 , 102 , 103 . Alternatives include more labor intensive in vivo approaches that tin mensurate at the site of action, including microdialysis and (specific to genu OA) joint sampling techniques like synovial biopsies and arthroplasties 80 , 104 , 105 . Fauna models can likewise exist used to conceptualize human results 106 . Notwithstanding appropriate these methods are, they all require data to plant the bioactivity of forecast drug levels in tissue.
Concentration of topical diclofenac in target tissues compared with plasma
Data obtained later on oral application
The extent to which an NSAID reaches inflamed tissues gives an indication of the likely efficacy of the drug 107 , 108 . The data obtained following oral administration of diclofenac provides some label of the drug levels required in the knee joint. This oral information provides a context for agreement diclofenac levels achieved in the articulatio genus. They as well provide context for levels that need to exist achieved when developing new products. Most of the contempo information is nerveless in studies where knee bioactivity and diclofenac levels in the articulatio genus and plasma are measured exclusively, forgoing the gamble to identify the relationships between systemic drug levels, site of activeness drug levels, and the bioactivity they provide. Prostaglandin production (specifically PGE2) is a surrogate measure out of COX-ii activeness 109 . Therefore, inhibition of PGE2 may be regarded as an indicator of COX-two inhibition. Few studies have measured the therapeutically active concentrations of diclofenac in vivo or ex vivo. Chlud and Wagener determined that 100–500 ng/ml of diclofenac reduced PGE2 in the OA synovium and was "therapeutically effective" 110 . Liauw et al. investigated the concurrent diclofenac levels in plasma and synovial fluid and PGEtwo levels in synovial fluid later oral treatment with 75 mg diclofenac tablets 99 . The diclofenac ICfifty (i.e. the concentration that produces 50% of the maximum inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis 31 ) for PGE2 in synovial fluid was calculated to be 45 ng/ml 99 . Using this IC50, the therapeutically active concentrations of 100–500 ng/ml predict PGE2 reductions of 85–100%, consistent with the furnishings noted by Chlud and Wagener 110 . Martel-Pelletier and colleagues confirmed the effects of active diclofenac levels by spiking synovial tissue samples (ex vivo, stimulated with lipopolysaccharide stimulation [LPS]) with 125 and 250 ng/ml diclofenac, leading to >90% inhibition of PGE2 synthesis 111 . Therefore, based on our own calculations (cf. Liauw et al. 99 , Chlud and Wagener 110 , Martel-Pelletier et al. 111 ), a diclofenac concentration in synovial tissues of 45 ng/ml is associated with a l% reduction (IC50) in PGE2 (interim equally a surrogate for inhibition of COX-ii), while >100 ng/ml is associated with >80% reduction in PGE2. This information and the respective ICfifty values for the synovial tissue differ significantly from those estimated in whole blood (which tin be found in Tabular array 4); the in vivo IC50 levels are much college than these in vitro levels, and higher diclofenac concentration levels would exist therefore required to attain in vivo levels.
Tabular array 4. Minimal effective therapeutic concentrations of diclofenac in target tissues, as reported in the literature.
The inconsistency betwixt synovium and whole blood results may exist due to differences in experimental process and/or differences in the biological surroundings. The in vitro whole claret evaluation of PGE2 post-obit LPS stimulation follows a set protocol 109 , whereas the clinical data followed an alternative methodology as the patient information from Liauw et al. did non require LPS stimulation 117 . The information from Martel-Pelletier et al. (in synovial tissue with LPS stimulation, similar to whole claret assay) was consistent with the patient information 111 and not the whole blood IC50 results. Some other possible reason for the deviation is the biological environment. The whole blood assay is performed using 10 μg/mL LPS in heparinized whole blood and so contains albumin, lymphocytes, etc. associated with diclofenac disposition and the immune response. Conversely, synovial fluid does not contain the aforementioned amount of lymphocytes and has a pocket-sized and significant difference in plasma protein bounden 118 . Whether due to assay or environment, the differences betoken that the in vitro estimates of COX-two inhibition through inhibition of PGE2 production greatly overestimate the inhibition caused by diclofenac in the synovial environment. The PGE2 whole blood assay is a convenient in vitro method for assessing COX-2 potency in claret and it matches the ex vivo inhibition seen in homo subject field blood following administration of NSAIDs. However, the observed human in vivo/ex vivo authorization is shown to be dissimilar, and then evaluation of COX-2 inhibition should be done with man samples in vivo or past replicating the assay in synovial explanted tissue 104 , 111 , 117 .
This potency data for diclofenac in OA genu tissue post-obit oral assistants provides context to the diclofenac levels achieved post-obit topical administration. This would permit an initial evaluation, based on COX-2 and PGEii pharmacology, of whether the levels achieved are active or not. Further context to expected bioactivity/efficacy would besides be provided by because the downstream therapeutic and biochemical consequences of the PGE2 synthesis inhibition, with furnishings on therapeutic endpoints such as the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis (WOMAC) alphabetize and/or inflammatory cytokines in the PGE2 signal transduction pathway 104 .
Inflammatory cytokines are downstream of PGE2 within the indicate transduction pathway 119 . The PGE2 levels can correlate with inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-half-dozen and tumor-necrosis factor (TNF)α – reduction of PGE2 synthesis coincides with reduction in these cytokines 120 , 121 . Gallelli and colleagues demonstrated that IL-6 and TNFα reduced in a dose-dependent manner in OA patient synovial tissue when patients were treated orally with either 75 mg or 150 mg diclofenac per day 104 . This reduction in cytokines matched the reduction in PGEii observed at the same dose, and besides matched an improvement in the composite OA score, the WOMAC alphabetize. As might exist expected, there was a smaller improvement in WOMAC score with oral diclofenac 75 mg/twenty-four hour period compared with 150 mg/24-hour interval, simply the improvement was however clinically meaningful. A dose of 75 mg/day diclofenac represents the over-the-counter (OTC) limit in many countries. Information technology is associated with an approximate boilerplate synovium diclofenac concentration of fifty–175 ng/ml (which nosotros estimated from Elmquist et al. 98 , Liauw et al. 99 and Fowler et al. 122 [Supplementary Tables 2–4], assuming linear pharmacokinetics) following unmarried and steady land dosing respectively associated with estimated peak PGEii inhibition of >50%.
Topical versus oral application
In the studies that directly compared topical and oral assistants, maximum plasma concentrations of diclofenac later topical application were generally lower than subsequently oral administration, falling within a range of 0.4–two.four% of those achieved later on oral assistants (Supplementary Table 3). This observation is in agreement with the 0.two–eight% reported in other reviews 33 , 36 , 37 . The mean plasma concentrations and plasma AUC values were also lower after topical versus oral assistants (betwixt six–71% and 0.half dozen–21% lower, respectively; Supplementary Tables ii and 4), indicating that plasma diclofenac concentrations were lower over fourth dimension with topical administration than with oral administration. Furthermore, maximum plasma diclofenac concentrations were achieved more slowly after topical assistants (1.25–30 hours) compared with oral administration (20 minutes to 6.five hours). The results from Brunner et al. 90 bespeak a steep tissue-to-plasma slope; the relative bioavailability of diclofenac in the target tissue (subcutaneous adipose and skeletal muscle) was substantially higher after topical dosing (324%) than oral dosing (29%), whereas relative plasma bioavailability was 50-fold lower.
Topical application
Topical NSAIDs are considered effective in treating articulation hurting 15 , 43 , 45 . This efficacy was established in clinical trials using endpoints such every bit the WOMAC score, for which the oral data suggests a link with joint drug levels and their furnishings on PGE2. Evaluating the articulation concentrations of diclofenac, in the context of the oral data, may shed insight into how these products take an effect and what might be target levels of drug.
In OA, topical NSAIDs seem to piece of work by permeating through the skin to reduce inflammation in periarticular structures, and travelling via the local blood supply to reduce inflammation within the articulation itself xv . Therefore, it is of import to have a articulate understanding of the concentrations of topical diclofenac that can exist reached in synovial fluid and synovial tissue. Accordingly, we searched the literature to identify studies that measured the concentration of diclofenac in various compartments after topical administration (Supplementary Tables two–4). It is of import to notation that there were many inconsistencies in methodological approaches between these topical diclofenac studies, which makes it hard to draw firm conclusions on concentrations in the target tissues. The available data is variable due to differences in written report designs (east.m. dose size, regimen, etc.), but also betwixt similar trials and betwixt subjects within the trials. It was non possible to differentiate the data, thus the concentration data discussed below does not reverberate the dose or conception used and simply general trends can exist observed. Future studies should adopt a standardized approach using consistent criteria to enable a more robust comparing.
Despite the above-mentioned shortcomings, information technology has been demonstrated that topically administered diclofenac penetrates through the pare and permeates to the target tissues in observable amounts, with different concentrations within the human knee (Supplementary Tables 2–4). The mean diclofenac concentrations varied across tissues, from 90.six ng/ml in subcutaneous tissue to 9.3–63.iii ng/g in musculus, 4.99–xx.4 ng/g in synovial tissue, 1.02–25.5 ng/ml in synovial fluid, and 1.42–40.6 ng/ml in plasma (Supplementary Table 2), with a similar pattern in the maximum concentrations obtained (Supplementary Table 3). Overall, the mean concentrations of diclofenac afterwards topical assistants appear to be similar in synovial fluid and plasma. Diclofenac concentrations were generally college in synovial tissue than in synovial fluid or plasma afterward topical administration. Although in that location is footling data, it appears that afterwards topical assistants the concentration of diclofenac declined from subcutaneous tissue > muscle > synovial tissue > synovial fluid ≈ plasma. Every bit might be expected, repeat dosing led to higher levels than post-obit unmarried dose administration.
A typical topical OTC dose is 160 mg of diclofenac per day. There is sparse joint concentration data, with near obtained from single fourth dimension points and few at relevant doses. The scarcity of data ways that information technology is not possible to draw any conclusions about what levels of diclofenac are reached for comparison with oral data or evaluation of prostaglandin inhibition – further studies are required.
Duration of exposure in target tissue
The tissue concentrations of diclofenac achieved after oral administration demonstrate a durable and sustained exposure compared to plasma levels (Supplementary Table 4). A like trend in joints is expected following topical administration, where soft tissue exposure is similarly durable and consistent and independent of the dose route 96 . This was observed in an in vivo comparison of oral vs. topical diclofenac ninety . Diclofenac concentrations were sustained over 48 h in subcutaneous tissue and musculus after both topical and oral administration, although higher levels were observed after topical delivery; plasma levels were significantly lower after topical administration ninety . Supplementary Table 4 indicates that the mean diclofenac concentration AUC values over the 12 60 minutes period after topical application ranged 1.41–8867 ng·h/ml in the subcutaneous tissue, i.09–xviii.2 ng·h/ml in musculus, and 7.30–1224.19 ng·h/ml in plasma, with a median value betwixt 93 and 142 in synovial fluid (Supplementary Table four). In general, the AUC declined from plasma > synovial fluid > subcutaneous tissue ≈ muscle. This club was likewise observed after oral assistants, but the AUC was much college in plasma while the AUC was much lower in subcutaneous tissue and muscle compared with topical application.
Constructive concentrations in target tissues after topical application
To decide whether the concentrations of diclofenac reported throughout the skin and joint after topical application are sufficient to exert a therapeutic issue, they may be compared against the minimal concentrations of diclofenac (IC50) that take been reported to have a therapeutic effect. The human being information, which provides a more cautious IC50 compared to in vitro information, suggests a higher ICfifty of approximately 45 ng/ml. It should be noted that the mechanisms of COX inhibition are variable and complex and there should be a certain caste of caution when interpreting the IC50 values 123 . The contributing data for diclofenac levels in joints following topical administration are sparse and insufficient to estimate the levels of PGE2 inhibition. We know the relationship between synovium drug levels and PGE2 from oral studies, but there is poor data on either endpoint for topical NSAIDs. Furthermore, nosotros are unable to determine the degree of effectiveness of the diclofenac concentrations observed in Supplementary Tables ii–4. Nosotros know that topical diclofenac is effective, but nosotros can't associate this effectiveness with a joint diclofenac concentration or reduction in PGE2 levels. There is a high placebo effect, but however topical NSAIDs are equally effective as oral diclofenac in OA 4 . In that location is a link to clinical outcomes such every bit the WOMAC scale, but it needs to be finalized. More data is required to define a minimum effective drug concentration in the synovium and see how current or future topical diclofenac concentrations compare.
Even with low systemic availability, topical diclofenac can be constructive in OA, supporting the notion that plasma concentrations are not necessarily an indication of efficacy 124 . For instance, in one study plasma levels of diclofenac were undetectable after topical administration for upward to iv hours; however, the antihyperalgesic effect 1 hour after dosing was ii.2-fold greater with topical diclofenac than oral diclofenac, respective to a subcutaneous tissue AUC value that was 2.6-fold college 20 . Topical diclofenac has been used effectively for many years in the direction of OA 4 , fifteen , 33 , with a lower rate of systemic adverse events than oral diclofenac 44 .
We noted that in some studies later topical administration, diclofenac levels were higher in plasma than in synovial fluid or tissue levels. This may reflect the fact that faster penetration can increase plasma exposure, which is an undesirable situation for a topical drug as in that location is a potentially greater take chances of systemic adverse events. Patient variability is as well an important cistron that influences how quickly effective concentrations are reached, with intra- and interindividual skin backdrop influencing percutaneous absorption 42 , 90 . Interindividual variability has been shown to effect in different concentrations of diclofenac in subcutaneous tissues, with a subsequent antihyperalgesic event that was highest in patients with the highest tissue AUC values 20 . For this reason, it is difficult to accurately compare unlike formulations of a topical NSAID in clinical trials.
A preferred trial approach would include a design where the plasma levels of drug are collected in parallel with concentrations at the sites of activity and measures of bioactivity, i.eastward. PGE2, inflammatory cytokines, etc., in an approach similar to that used by Liauw and colleagues 99 . This could be performed using a combination of synovial biopsy and arthroplasty. The patients would already be scheduled for arthroplasty, making it unnecessary to schedule a pregnant intervention that is not benign to the patient. Use of synovial biopsy prior to surgery can strengthen the study design by allowing a repeated measures approach, where the biopsy provides the baseline followed past arthroplasty to evaluate the drug effect. Additionally, the arthroplasty could provide tissue suitable for advanced imaging techniques such as MALDI mass spectrometry. This approach would provide a holistic characterization of drug exposure and effect, increase the value of information provided, and provide important context betwixt target drug levels, systemic exposure and drug effect.
Topical products were developed to reduce the potential for systemic effects that have been reported with orally administered drugs, and to evangelize the active drug locally to the site of injury to relieve pain. They can be an effective alternative to orally administered drugs, and topical NSAIDs are recommended earlier the apply of oral NSAIDs in the treatment of knee OA. The pharmacological activity of topical drugs relies on penetration and permeation through the skin into the lower layers. Many factors tin affect this process and need to exist considered in the topical administration of NSAIDs, including the innate properties of the drug, the formulation used, the methods of application, and patient inter- and intraindividuality.
Taking these factors into consideration, there is a audio rationale to use topical diclofenac to relieve pain and inflammation in OA. The bachelor testify suggests that later on topical application, the drug tin can penetrate the pare and permeate to deeper tissues, with generally higher levels in muscle than in plasma compared with oral assistants. The concentrations accomplished in the target tissues appear to be sufficient to exert a therapeutic effect, although these may exist minimally effective levels. Repeat dosing is beneficial. Nonetheless, there is room for comeback with future formulations.
More data is required to evaluate the penetration and permeation after topical delivery. The bachelor data for the concentration of diclofenac inside various tissues afterward topical assistants is old, thin and inconsistent. Use of the Franz cell lonely, although useful, only evaluates penetration and possibly systemic exposure, and does non provide an insight regarding the probable site of action levels and resulting efficacy of the drug. A improve screening cascade incorporating Franz cell and other assays is needed. The absence of additional in vitro or in silico methods means downstream tissue permeation requires in vivo characterization of tissue concentrations and bioactivity. The synovium IC50 (approximately 45 ng/mL) is higher than that adamant using the whole blood PGEtwo analysis. To judge the clinical efficacy, the synovial approach is better than the whole blood approach as the latter will overestimate the efficacy. Thus, COX-2 inhibition should be done with human samples in vivo or replicating the analysis in synovial explanted tissue. The use of IC50 needs to exist antiseptic, particularly regarding the differences betwixt in vitro and in vivo values.
Despite uncertainty regarding the concentration of diclofenac required to inhibit COX-2, it is clear that topically administered diclofenac is pharmacologically effective, and patients report significant pain relief in mild to moderate OA that extends beyond the placebo effect and is comparable to oral diclofenac. Thus, combined with its more favorable rubber contour, there is a sound basis to use diclofenac administered topically rather than orally.
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